Christmas Streak Freezes

Over a year ago now we added streaks to Isaac; a way of seeing how many days in a row you could keep answering questions. You have to answer three new question parts per day, of any level and from any of our topic areas, to keep a streak going. There are no rewards, and the indicator is quite subtle, but we’ve seen a few hundred students motivated to build quite large streaks. Our longest streak is currently over 330 days, and over 20 students have reached 100 day streaks!

We’ve been testing the ability to freeze streaks, allowing a day or more of inactivity without the streak counter resetting - it just stays on the current number until the freeze runs out.

As a Christmas present from us, we’ll freeze the streaks of everyone with a streak of 5 days or more by the 20th December for the 24th-26th December inclusive.

This will allow you to have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off from answering Isaac questions; a likely well-deserved rest! You’ll need to answer questions as usual on the 27th to avoid losing your streak though!

Of course, if you really want to spend your Christmas answering questions we won’t stop you; the streak freeze won’t be needed for any days you do answer questions. You can also just have Christmas Day off, say, since freezes allow inactivity on any or all of the days.

Fair warning, it’s currently impossible to know if your streak is frozen or not; so don’t panic if you don’t see any messages. And if you lose a long streak over the Christmas break do let us know. We’ll see what we can do!

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James Sharkey

James is a physicist turned computer scientist, working both on physics and computing for Isaac